I’m a junkie when it comes to all the how-to and all those must-know tips. It’s not that I ever implemented all in my life, but it’s good to know, right? After all knowledge is power and it’s good to be in the know than to be ignorance.
So when I came across 43 Must-Know Tips for Every First-time Home Buyer, this is a must read for the day..haha!
Check the first tip they have: First things first – You need a budget if you ever hope to save for that home you want to own.
Well, I’m doing that now. It’s hard to switch from the lifestyle of the cold plastic money but I’m trying hard to restrain myself from all the Mega Sales in the country..huhu!
I hope I would be able to save enough money to pay for the down payment and all the extra expenses and fees of my first house in the next 2 years.
The tips no.20 is also very true. Make sure you have asked all these location related questions to yourself once you decided to buy the house.
I know few friends who bought houses at wrong location and regret their decision ever since. I have a friend who has to commute 2 hours every day to work and another 2 hours to come home because the location of her house is very far from her workplace.
Lastly, indulge in tips no. 36. You wouldn’t want to end up with house full of termite and having water leakage problem. Ask the neighbors around. Maybe the location of the house is prone to flood whenever it rains more than 4 hours non stop.
Protect yourself beforehand because buying a house is a big investment.