It’s been quite some times since my last update, I know. I have been not well with pregnancy sickness since Ramadhan 2013, and Alhamdulillah I am now getting much, much better.
Many things have been put on hold since then. I was terribly sick day and night, even worse than the first pregnancy. It started with nausea, then the vomiting phase, I have no appetite to eat anything and spend most of the time sleeping.
By the time I can drag myself for the first pregnancy check up, the baby was almost 15 weeks..huhu! Even the gynae was shocked since I said we haven’t met any doctor since we realized I have missed my period in July. This week we are going for the monthly check up and hopefully we’ll be able to see the baby’s gender (baby please don’t be shy so that Mama will know whether to buy you a pink or blue romper..haha!)
Dear Son has been very cooperative since he knew how tired Mama could be. He even potty trained himself successfully to the extent of washing up after he poops. Amazing the way Allah plan as I never thought this day will come especially when I am so lethargic with the pregnancy sickness.
Now that the terrible sickness phase is over I am really looking forward to get ready to welcome our second born child. Oh, happy 5th birthday to dear Son (according to Islamic calendar). He was born on the eve of Aidil Adha. I remember hearing the takbir from the nearby mosque the morning after he was born. Thank you Son for the bittersweet 5 years, making me a mother and teach me the value of patience and unconditional love.
To the rest of the Muslim readers, Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha. May you always be blessed.