As promised to dear Hubby, here is the entry about our clay modeling the other day.
Hubby brought us to the Gardens because I wanted to find some craft and art items in Art Friend. I spent 2 hours in that art shop alone while Hubby has been working hard taking care of our ever active son. Thanks Hubby for your understanding and patience that day!

So after buying so many things for myself, I thought this modeling clay – Plast-i-clay would be a good idea to buy for the little one. It comes in 10 color, never dries out and priced at RM6.90.
It turned out he still didn’t understand what’s clay modeling is all about..huhu! Luckily, he didn’t eat the clay. Nevertheless we made all these funny figures (or actually Hubby made them..hehe!)

This is a unicorn. Clay modeling is certainly harder than it looks, you know…plus it’s even tougher when there’s someone trying to destruct your figure and grab the clay from your hand..hehe! I thought it will be easy to make out a figure from clay from scratch without having any proper instruction or guide…but I was wrong..huhu!

In the end I only managed to do a 2-D flower while Hubby came out with a lion. Perhaps a thorough research on clay modeling would be useful after this. Anyway, it’s a great excuse to have a child, so that you can enjoy things like this..heh!