I found this blog that sells agar-agar kering while bloghopping. I thought the owner is doing a good job and feel that I should mention her products here.

If anyone is looking for agar-agar kering for wedding favors, do check out her blog – Adam Shoppe.

Both husband and wife are based in Bukit Mertajam, but they do provide delivery service and courier service for items ordered.

I’m not sure whether they sell samples for people who would like to test before buying in bulk.

I think this is a good alternative for wedding favors especially if you are not keen on packing your own. They can pack those agar-agar kering for you at minimal charge. Not sure when niece #3 is getting married, otherwise this would be a good suggestion for SIL..haha!
ohmigosh so yummeh!! i love agar2 kering! if only i’d thot of this for my wedding :p