This is a must write entry, even though I am so sleepy at the moment.
I managed to check out the Body Shop outlet nearby my old place around 9pm despite the fact that we have been out the whole day, very tiring indeed..huhu!
Not much choice left at that particular outlet, but I still managed to buy something for myself.

Total damage is RM195. Some with 30% discount like the Moroccan rose shower gel and EDT. They smell almost like Paul Smith Rose perfume and Mark & Spencer Rosa Centifolia shower gel.

Since I have been using the Ginger Scalp Care shampoo for the past one year and the result on my scalp is quite good, I just bought another bottle since it is on 20% (or is it 10%?) discount. Of course for member, you will get an additional 10% after the discounted price.

I also bought the tea tree facial wash for Hubby even though it is not on 50% discount as per my initial expectation. Now I have 4 new bottles of shower gel to use alternately..hehe! And hubby get to use the new bath lily (I already have one bath lily) since it comes together in the red box with the Wild Cherry and Pink Grapefruit shower gel.
For those interested to buy Body Shop products, the member sale will last on Sunday 23rd May, but the normal sale will last till 13th June 2010.
Somehow after coming home, I feel that I should get a better bargain, since in other outlets you get to buy the big bottle of 250ml shower gel in less than eh? should I go and check out other outlet tomorrow?..isk!
sy br jek gi semlm. x tertgk plak shampoo tu. mb shd make another trip to bodyshop. but d morrocon perfume tu mmg best. i ended up buying the white gardenia tu tapinya…
those BS u got are great deals!
too bad BS was banned for me. klu tak i pon dah grab some. hubbydoesnt like their strong smell…i guess it all my fault for applying BS lotion in compact air-con environment (in the car)
zam, sy dah 2-3 hari asyik guna moroccon shower gel tu..perfume dia pon sy beli sebab dah lama cari bau mcm tu nak match kan dgn shower cream M&S..nak beli yg paul smith tu mahal sgt n sure tak terhabis pakai bertahun2..
fabmama, certain fragrance BS mmg overwhelming..ada mcm ala2 bau fragrance murahan..hahaha..time sale tu mostly lotion yg byk pilihan n on disc 50-70%, sadly I tak pakai lotion so tak beli la..