*This entry might contain some ranting and bad words that could hurt some people with sensitive feeling**
I woke up yesterday and checked my biz phone. There were 3 missed calls from a same number and it was Amway number when I tried to call back.
Just as I expected, it must be something to do with my popular post about their Tropical Herbs product.
I have posted about the product when I first bought them about 18 months ago. Ever since then I have received many queries and comments on that post regarding how to buy the product, whether it’s good or not, how to get the product from me since I am a dealer..bla bla..
After some times, a Chinese lady whose name I can’t remember called and said she is from Regional Sales. She is like a totok person who can’t really speak proper Malay or good English. She said they found out that I have a blog and I wrote about Amway product. She said I have to remove the post and she will check my blog tomorrow..I was like WTF??? Her reason is Amway is a people to people business..and some kind of crap that I can’t really understand with her way of speaking..
So from now on, I will not publish the entry about Tropical Herbs product anymore. I think I will start promoting for Tupperware instead as they are really supportive of bloggers to promote their products.
It makes me wonder, those people who queried about the Amway product on my blog post, aren’t they people?..sejak bila hantu or binatang or alien baca blog aku?
She has some kind of personal issues kut :p so ini maksudnya diorang pun tak boleh promote barang melalui sebarang bentuk advertisement la kan?
macam tipuuuuuu jer
klakar la…
z, dorang boleh promote..
agent je tak leh promote melalui media massa lain..alasan sebab tak fair pada ejen2 yg lain because mass advertisement such as blog, website etc ni buleh menyebabkan kita buleh terambik prospek org lain..
our way of promoting their products could reach prospective clients or downline yg sepatutnya di approach dgn cara convensional..duhh..dah kalo org lain buta IT, takkan kita yg tak buta IT ni pon kena membutakan diri sama..huhu..
takpe la once my membership expire tahun ni tak yah la renew lagi..
Hey there,
I’ve been experienced this situation before. Masa tu pihak Amway telefon dan minta bahawa post tersebut dibuang. Persoalannya, kalau kita terambil prospek lain melalui medium pengiklanan besar (blog, website), maka tidak mustahil ia boleh berlaku di dunia luar juga.
It’s kind of weird. Tetapi itulah hakikatnya. Mungkin pihak Amway masih tidak nampak kelebihan-kelebihan menggunakan internet sebagai medium.