Since Hubby’s leave is coming to an end, so does mine..huhu! I’m back to the reality of house chores and all. I’ve been neglecting the piles of dirty clothes and today I decided it’s about time to do the laundry.
I won’t be cooking till May so it’s great that we tapau some lauk pauk from Kg Baru when we went for late dinner plus supper after watching Grey’s Anatomy. I already masak nasik and will reheat those tapau lauk later – all kind of ulam, budu plus sambal tempoyak, pari bakar, tempe goreng sambal, bilis with petai, masak lemak rebung (this bamboo shoot dish gives us back pain and sakit badan..some people say rebung bisa..but still so sedap..huhu!)
Oh, check out this massive red head..nice of it to bloom a day before my birthday. Now I can say, even my garden celebrates my birthday this year..haha!
semalam kami supper kat kampong baru jam 1.00 pagi !!! tapi ramai nya manusia.. dia org ni tak tidur2 ke? hehe
Wah simple nye….biasa klu kat sini rebung tu letak ler sikit lada hitam kc angin2 badan keluar x ler sakit2 bdn…
Cantik rose tu…sy dah stop gardening since byk serangga&penyakit menyerang…xbalik modal yg ada pokok2 lama yg tahan lasak…hihihihi
zino,kalau mlm minggu mmg happening kg baru tu..tu yg pegi hari kamis tu..tak ramai sgt org..kira sapa nak mkn nasik campor, 24 jam mmg ada kat kg baru tu..
yin, ni pon dah lama tak belek taman tu..kdg2 sibuk nak siram pon lupa..tapi musim hujan ni selamat la skit..rebung tu tak mkn selalu..sekali sekala je..hehe..