The corner used to have my coffee table full of crafts materials. That’s one of the reasons why I can’t used the table runner I bought for the coffee table meant for Raya decoration. Of course the other reason is solely my laziness to clear up the space, heh!
As you can see I couldn’t put all my crafts materials on the shelves. For now I just put what the usual stuffs I might need during classes. The rest are still dumped in the 2 rooms downstairs and upstairs..huhu (in plastic bags according to the last projects I used the materials for).
I still couldn’t find a good shelving system for my scrapbooking items. Even the Andy shelve I bought from IKEA couldn’t fit the 12 x 12 papers. Perhaps I should just spend my last drop of PayPal money investing into Cropper Hopper storage solutions..huhu!
nice rack (or actually lebih kpd nice and interesting stuff on it) besnye tgk container boxes lawa2 and comel2 and those artsy2 stuff.
seronotnya doing things that u like and enjoy most (no need to pening2 with engineering-related work)
MrHusband dok tanya2 aku la ni, aku xnak berbisnes ke.. hehe.. PR aku x cukup bagus la nk venture into business world.
hehehe..bisnes pon pening kepala gak kalau tak kena dgn jiwa..kena cari la niche apa yg betul2 ko suka nak venture into..kalau tak lagi buat serabut otak nak pikir..
my motto is do something you love and passionate about, the money will come in later..
but of course la to kejar cita2 dan minat sendiri kena la ada husband yg boleh provide mkn minum etc..keh keh..kalau tak mkn pasir la plak kan..heh!