*This post is written for astromart.com*
Read all these digital camera reviews at astromart.com. This is the first time I get to know that a DSLR camera can take star images far, far away in the galaxy..haha!
Seriously I’m not joking. I never know that a DSLR camera could take such images, of course being astronomy illiterate like me, I wouldn’t know what kind of star, what is nebula, what emission is all about.
But still having something else to use my DSLR for, that’s a new info for me. The branch of photography for astronomy goes after the term of astrophotography. All these while, serious people in astronomy imaging use CCD cameras. Now with the availability of DSLR, we the newbies could try a hand or two in this astrophotography.
This is one of the sample pictures taken by a DSLR camera.
Star clouds in Sagittarius. Canon Digital Rebel with Sigma 105-mm f/2.8 lens. Stack of three 5-minute exposures at f/4, ISO 200. Focused by using the LCD screen as described in the article. Cropped and reduced from a larger picture.
While you are on the site, Astromart.com, check out all the astronomy ads, read the latest news articles and the current reviews of newest telescopes and equipment. I’m sure you will get more info about astronomy than in the basic class you attended long time ago in school..haha!
maklumat yg berguna…
mmg berguna info ni pon cuma belum sempat nak cuba lagi amik gambar bintang di angkasaraya..hehe..