I am glad to report that as of Wednesday afternoon around 4pm my local time, the water is back into my house tank. I could hear the pump was working crazily while I was online in front of my PC and as usual the water that came out from the tap for this one, two day will be earthy dirty..yucks!
So I am not sure how soon I could go back to my chore of washing and cleaning with that not so clean water. I am thinking of getting a water filter for the kitchen (at least) and maybe if I could afford for the whole house water system as well.
Oh, the picture? I went out to KL to get the insufficient stocks last Sunday and got stuck at Semua House since it was raining heavily. Luckily there was a dining place so we had lunch while waiting for the rain to stop.
My mission for the month is almost done so I can relax and enjoy my leisure time. Next mission would be for August wedding..haha!