On Prosper Learning


Today I came across an article. It is a list of two dozen finalists for the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Awards in Utah.

I think every year for more than two decades Ernst & Young has made it a tradition to celebrate the achievement and contribution of entrepreneurs towards the community and that is why there exists such thing as Entrepreneur Of The Year® award as the most prestigious business award for entrepreneurs.

It is an award that recognizes the men and women who excel at what they do as pioneers and innovators. People who have won the awards among many are Michael Dell of Dell Inc. and Pierre Omidyar of eBay, Inc.

I think I would be very happy to make it to the list of the finalist, if not to win the major award.

If you are new into business perhaps you have heard about prosper learning. It’s a mentoring course that help you master the skills you need either in real estate, stock market investing, ecommerce, entrepreneurship and personal finance.

I’ve read through the testimonial of those who have followed the prosper learning course but I am still finding more information on this prosper learning.

Personally in my opinion, it is not easy to be successful once you start a business.

Whether your business is big or small, there are a lot at stake – time, commitment, money, effort, all the energy that you put into your business together with the right strategy. And yet nobody could guarantee whether it will be a buzz or a boo in the market world.

My point is that if you are serious to be in the business, find all the information and mentoring you need because in the world of trade and big greens, you can’t survive without being in the know all the time.

Hopefully next year when I read the news, your name and mine will be among the finalist for Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Awards.

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