I’m sure everyone in their life has taken at least a loan one way or another, maybe a study loan, car loan or mortgage on house. Nowadays people even take personal loans to finance their wedding.

If you are a homeowner you have the chance to try for online secured loans.
A secured loan is a type of loan that secured against an asset, usually your house. It is suitable for people with bad credit rating but has a house. However this type of loan usually take longer to be processed because the lender needs to check the additional info such as the property value and proper documents to prove ownership. The plus point is as a borrower you could borrow higher amount based on the equity value of your home.
When it comes to comparing loans, you have to really study the market to see which lenders could provide better interest rates, repayment periods and other terms and condition. Don’t simply jump on and take the first choice that you have because taking a loan is a commitment and financial responsibility that you have to bear.
I know a friend who is planning to renovate her house. Maybe she could shop around for homeowner loans. This type of loan is an additional loan apart from the normal mortgage you pay for your house. The amount you could borrow will be based on the equity of you home but it is easier to obtain and take less time to be processed. The money could be used for home renovation, child education or any major purchase.
Personally I have no experience when it comes to homeowner loans and I’m not sure whether my local banks and lenders have any special type of loans like this. I do have personal experience when it comes to personal loans though so feel free to contact me if you want to know more. Maybe it’s time that I do my own local market research on other type of loans and let all my readers know about my findings.
We are looking for a personal loan of $2532. Can you help?
I’m sorry that I didn’t make it clear. The info I have is specifically for people in Malaysia who would like to know more info about obtaining personal loans based on my own experience. However I have no direct contact with any loan officer in order to expedite the process.
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bila cerita pasal loan ni ada beberapa makluk yg loan dengan zino sampai lah ni tak bayar2 lagi.. bila minta dia buat don no je.. so zino dah buat keputusan dah tak mu mintak dah.. biar dia jawab sendiri di kemudian hari nanti..
Biasa la tu Zino, time nak pinjam bukan main baik..nak bayar buat2 tak kenal pulak..kalau kawan boleh la buang, tapi kalau sedara mara balik2 nampak jugak muka dorang tu..angin je tgk..hehe!