I don’t know whether it’s a blessing or not but today and yesterday was extremely hot. Only a few minutes ago when I started to blog for today, the rain is pouring outside.
I was busy today to the fact that the usual client came over for product shooting and like always there will be photo editing, hours of it.
Whenever I use the D50 and take RAW pictures, it will take some times to edit the pictures using the Nikon software. Then after converting it to JPEG, I have to edit some more in Photoshop.
That’s the skill that I have in term of technical, to edit pictures (well, can blogging be considered as technical skill too?! haha..blek)

BTW, the above picture was not what the client sent for product shooting. It’s my latest creation for another client. I’ve started working on it weeks ago and managed to complete it today.
Since I was already taking out the D50 might as well snap some pictures for her to see. Glad she likes it, or otherwise I need to do certain changes.
Anyway, just to let everybody to know that I have launched another Crafts Journal. Feel free to check it out since I have put up my latest creations and some DIY guides to do the crafts.
This journal was started since I have received few requests from people who can’t afford to travel far to attend my class and they would like to learn it online.
Of course due to limitation of words and the ability to describe work of art expressively, I can only share so much with whatever resources I have.
Hubby said I should video my craft lesson so that I can share it online..haha! Well, that will be pondered upon in my next business plan.