Though I’m not a fan when it comes to accumulating debt and paying them, I think I have to be grateful for the existence of credit cards. Living in a big city and has no one to turn to in time of needs (especially cash), credit cards can be a real blessing. And like any gift bestowed upon you, misusing it is at your own risks.
So my point is if you really want to have credit card, make sure you compare credit cards before you apply for one. If you already have a mount of balance from your other credit cards, find a good deal to do some balance transfer especially with interest free credit cards available in the market because by doing the balance transfer and paying it all on time and within the duration, you can save a heap of interest on it, seriously!
And if you are starting out a life as newly wed and plan to buy the dryer, washing machine, fridge and TV, find deals that allow you to make the purchase using 0% credit cards. Locally, I know a credit card that offers up to 24 months of 0% interest free purchase.
Word of wisdom, like any other riches in the world, the plastic money can be good or evil depending on the will of the one who owns it!
alang masa kecik2 dulu kalau dia nak minta beli apa2 zino kata tak ada duit nak bayar..
nak tau apa dia kata..?
“abah tak payah bayar abah sain je” hehe
zino, time nak beli tu mmg sign aje..tapi bila dpt bill credit card mula la garu kepala tgk nak kena bayo..hehe
nasib baik aku tak implement budaya kad kredit depan anak…kalau dia nak beli something, mesti tanya,”mak dah dapat gaji ker?”
a ah kan j-jay, aku nanti ada anak pon tak leh la tunjuk tabiat berbelanja tak baik camtu depan dia…kena bagi financial education sejak kecik..spend wisely coz money doesn’t grown on tree..haha!