I like to plan for things, the implementation of it that I hate to follow through..haha! I have a birthday bash to plan for next month. Since it’s a small party not all will be invited so don’t keep grudge if you are not on the list since the party is not for me but for Hubby..
So now I need to think of the theme, what to serve, who to be invited. Since it’ll be around tea time so I don’t think heavy meals will be needed. I want to put balloons so I need to find balloons and pump. Those birthday boys are old enough so I don’t think we need to have bubble blower..hehe!
What else do I need? Since Pirates of The Carribean 3 is coming out in May, I think I would like to do Pirate theme for the party..check out this page of Pirate Birthday Party ideas…my brain is giggling with tonnes of ideas..
Still thinking, do pirates have balloons for their party?
happy birthday to u, happy birthday to u, happy birtday to dear Farah, happy many returns to u! ehehehehhehe like usual, one year older, one year wiser, one year more ceria ehehhheheheh!
thanks j-jay…aku terasa semakin tua la..huhuhu..but older means wiser, right!