I was browsing yesterday (after feeling slightly better with the help of doctor’s medication) and stumbled upon a music box website. (Since Firefox hang while browsing now I forgot the site’s URL..damn!)
They have great collection of customized music box and one of it came with the song “You Are So Beautiful”. Since I’m not sure how the song sounds like, I searched in torrent and found it among Top 100 Pop Love Songs.
I’m still downloading the song but look what I heard today – the old love song when I was in high school, Vanessa Williams – Save The Best For Last.
I searched for the video clip on YouTube and found one with good quality (I think the beginning has some broken tune to it, but the rest sounds OK). Happy weekend, everyone!
Hey MQ, Thanks for dropping by.
semuga cepat sembuh.. lagu2 ni zino prefer lagu pop ye ye je hehe seronok dengar bunyi gitar dia tu..
Cellobella, thanks for returning the visit!
Zino, pop ye ye tu oldies sgt utk MQ..masa time2 tu tak wujud pon lg di dunia ni..hehehe..