I’m running out of ideas to cook for dinner, on weekend it’s even worse because I have to think what to cook for lunch and dinner. In my attempt to have a frugal living, I intend to cook at home as much as possible and I hate it (not that I hate cooking, hate the idea of living frugally). It’s not fun to discipline yourself when you used to spend without thinking.
Well, that would be a different topic, but now I’m going to share what’s cooking on the stove last few days. Since I’m on healthy cooking regime, I thought eating fish would be nice for a change. So the usual menu would be Ikan Masak Taucu. It’s like a one complete meal where you have everything in it. Plus the fish would be fried before they were dumped into the kuah (gravy) so I can guarantee that there will be no waste…hehehe..
So for those not sure what is taucu and feel like cooking this, kindly leave a comment or email me for the recipe. Good Wednesday everybody, it’s CSI night tonite..muahaha!
See, I ni tak tahu masak guna taucu. So I can’t imagine how this should taste like.
Please share the recipe? Then I could share on my journal, can or not? Heh heh….
This looks similar to what my mother and aunt used to cook….
Mar, I will update tomorrow’s entry with the recipe..actually there is another version but with less kuah, something like ikan 3 rasa but use taucu..and there is bihun goreng taucu too but I haven’t tried it..
thanks rasa malaysia for dropping by..I never tried perut ikan curry before but have heard about it often, very famous nyonya dish..