Since there were some leftover of the sirih leaves, I’ve decided to make full use of it. So instead of using fresh flowers for this sirih junjung arrangement, I used artificial velvet and satin roses in my collection. Furthermore I need to try the weird looking discounted basket I bought on Friday.
I think this arrangement will do if you really dont have enough sirih to make the traditional looking arrangement. Using artificial flowers will have the advantage of no risk of the flowers wilting during the long trip to the wedding. But nothing can beats fresh flowers in such arrangement. Except for it’s not long lasting and once the wedding is over you will be left with empty basket and smelly, rotten flowers and leaves.
Hi there, i just pop in at your website, it’s very interesting as i love art and craft too. I am very keen to learn decoupage as you mentioned here, and if you can tell me where i can take up the lessons, i would appreciate it very much, or are u conducting any workshops? Hope to hear from you soon. Have a nice day..
Thank you.
Hi Rina,
I will conduct the decoupage basic class after April. Will update the details here soon! Thanks for your interest.