Another Trip

Just as I expected, I am running short of some ribbons and leaves supply. I think I have bought enough last time I stocked up on my supply yet every time when I am rushing to complete the orders, I notice I will be short of something..huhu!


I think if it’s really urgent, I need to go to KL on my own on weekdays rather than wait until weekend.

Last time on my shopping trip to KL, I left my Giordano umbrella at Sogo’s Deli France.

Maybe this time I should go and ask the people there whether they still keep my grey umbrella.

I hate going shopping alone. But what to do, duty calls, huh!


  1. Hey,
    I’m impressed with what you’re doing .. Is this really what you want to do for living? just asking because i’m planning to do the same thing .. hahahaha .. wanna get some opinion fr you .. what makes you think you can survive in this kind of job .. i mean maybe you’re lucky enough if you are married to someone rich. My hubby recently ‘hint-hint’ myself to quit my job and be a professional housewife .. hehhehe .. but i’m afraid maybe i would not hv a promising life in future. I mean i’m afraid of what could happen to our family… tau lah hidup zaman sekarang .. mcm roda .. kdg2 senang, kdg2 susah .. i’m comfortable with my job now.. database programmer with an international bank .. huhuhu .. but i love my husband even more .. and my future baby .. (i’m 5 mnths pregnant, age like you .. maybe! .. hehhee ..). I just need someone to prove me that it is OK if i quit my job!! …

  2. There’s no one who could prove to you it’s OK for you to quit your job, because we as human are each different in action and thinking.

    What might work for me might not work for you so in the end it’s you and you alone who could decide what’s best for you.

    My opinion, in this life, take responsibility on your own action and don’t make major life decision (like quitting your job to stay at home) based on what others want you to do regardless whether they are family, spouse or your loved ones.

    If you love the job that you have now, why quit? Even with a husband and a child you could still survive as a career woman. Not everyone is cut to work at home, some people thrive when working outside and they still can juggle life as a wife and a mother.

  3. Hemm .. yep .. it’s true, it might not work for me .. but before i make a final move, i’d love to see some people succeeded doing the same thing (like u .. :-)). Whatever it is, family always comes first. I win some and i lose some!! And the rest … up to how much effort we put on to survive! Anyway, thanks for your opinion.

    Note : To share something about what you wrote on education loan, i’m wondering if companies here encourage people like us (computer programmers, architects, etc) to work from home like what they practice in US – Friday is family day – ecouraged to work from home (not including Sat&Sun). I mean we have like VPN and all those stuff. It’s borderless world man!! Why the heck we have to stay in office and crack our head there.

  4. I know some companies that implement that kind of work from home policy. Not many but there are some. My husband’s current and previous company also allow that.

    I know this because last time when I was employed, our big client has project people for Asia Pac who work from home, do teleconference and all from Singapore, Hong Kong etc to our office in Malaysia. You can even hear their children at the back..haha!

    Usually these people are seniors in the company and they only have to report and go to main HQ and site like few times a month.

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