I finally get to put this feet painting we made a few months ago in the frame bought from IKEA. I should have put some adhesive at the back of the painting because as you can see, it slides down from the paper mat.
The drawing paper was bought at Jusco. It is so big compared to the normal size of drawing pad (I think double the size) making it very convenient for my son to pour his creative juice..haha!
I still remember the first time I introduced my son to feet and finger painting at the age of 7 or 8 month, he cried and squirmed because he disliked the feel of the wet paint. But now whenever he feels like painting, he will surely paint some on his feet and palm.
In many, many years to come, when the little feet are no longer small, and he will be exploring world on his own, I will surely gaze on this feet painting of his and reminisce what a wonderful memory I have raising him up.