Caving In To Demands

I was flipping through the book on sleep solution – The Sleepeasy Solution by Jennifer Waldburger and Jill Spivack.

There is one chapter on developmental issues -2 to 5 years specifically on caving in to demands. I find it useful and something very important for me to remember once my son reach that age period.

For parents who have had a lot of disappointment or neglect in their own childhoods, setting limits with their children can feel especially difficult. It can be hard to distinguish what is appropriate limit setting from neglect or abandonment.

Even now when my son was not yet reaching the terrible two extreme phase, I find it difficult to NOT to cave in to his demands. (Gosh, when he cries his eyes out, wiggling on the floor, throwing tantrums, I would do anything just to make it stop..isk isk!) But I feel this is something I have to do, for the sake of his own good later on.

When you need to hold your ground with your child, try to frame the experience in a positive light. Difficult time often offer wonderful opportunities for “teachable moments”.

What is a teachable moment? It is a time when your child is struggling with something that feels difficult but, with your guidance, moves through her experience to gain a skill or learn a necessary life lesson.

As much as you believe that helping your child to get her needs met and feel loved is important, it is also important to understand that her frustration can lead to greater self-esteem as she finds her motivation to learn something new.

Oh God, give me strength and the wisdom to be a great mom as I only want the best for my one and only child!

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