Some of the government servants I knew in person or through blog seems to feel really offended when people say that their salary were being paid by those who pay tax..but read what our TPM said in the paper Utusan today – Cukai : Rakyat Tidak Dibeban (huh! yr right???!!)
‘‘Sebagai sebuah kerajaan, kita perlu hasil (cukai), kalau tidak ada hasil, kita tidak boleh tampung perbelanjaan kerajaan serta membayar gaji, pencen dan bonus.
‘‘Kalau tidak ada hasil, kita kena pinjam duit untuk bayar gaji (kakitangan awam), nanti susahlah kita,†katanya.
So please work when you are supposed to work, don’t simply menghabiskan duit rakyat or makan gaji buta..with all the perks and annual leave that you are entitled to, you should work proactively and not mengular sana sini..huh!