The Birthday Dinner

We went to Alamanda hoping to have birthday lunch at Sri Ayutthaya but I was not sure whether the branch there was closed permanently or it just happened to be closed on my birthday..huhu..So after a quick lunch at the food court, we went to IKEA. Actually there was something unexpected pouring in Alamanda that day but since Hubby already mentioned it in his blog, I rather not repeat the whole story.

On Saturday evening I browse the Internet and found the other branch of Sri Ayutthaya in Subang Jaya. I called them and they said the closing hour is at 11:30pm. So we went to the restaurant and had a wonderful Thai dinner. I even asked the waiter to tapau 4 dishes because we ordered so much and couldn’t finish it all..heh! Good thing that I decided to take away the food since we were starving after the shopping spree on Sunday so Hubby simply masak nasik and we ate the leftover.


Next time I will order their green curry again..heh! The vegetable tom yam was good too. However they don’t have som tam as they only have kerabu mangga.

I will update all the food pictures in my food and cooking blog later when I have time, OK! In the meantime, I need to get ready for my craft class in One Utama. Malasnya nak bergerak..huhu!

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