A Baby No Longer Here

I don’t know how to put this, but I need to ask myself and the rest of the readers. If you are from a religious background that prohibit sex before marriage and have certain rules on child out of wedlock, if you somehow did all the prohibited act and realize that you are pregnant, what would you do?

Will you go on with the pregnancy and keep the baby after he/she is born? Or will you abort the baby and by doing so you are allowing yourself to commit double sin?


I’m not saying making the mistake of having the prohibited sex is not wrong, but then if things are already done, there’s no point in finger pointing and blaming game.

Will you as the parents accept if somehow your daughter come back with bulging tummy and told you that she is pregnant? Or will you banish her because she brings shame to the family? For a friend who has to go through this, I salute your decision to go on with the pregnancy, gave birth and later gave the son for adoption. You have committed the sin but killing the child is not the answer. You may keep others’ mouth shut but if you really do that I’m sure in your heart you could not live with the fact that you are actually capable of killing a life that you alone has conceived.

I am sure (and pray) that the family who really want the child (and now have it) will treat and love your son with so much care and tenderness that you never ever get in your own life.

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