That’s Life

My sister in law gave me the bulbs of this plant many, many months ago when she came to visit us. Being a person who like to try to grow new plant, I took the bulbs with happy heart and immediately planted the bulbs in the available plastic pot.

For weeks I waited for the first tiny sign of life to came out from the soil and now after almost a year it finally bloom. I think it is called Japanese Lily – Lilium speciosum based on what I read from The Complete Guide To Houseplants book.


For me life is like planting new plant. You put all your effort in it, not knowing how the end result will be like. What you have is only hope and hard work. You nurture and care about the possibility of life inside and pray that only the best will come out. It’s the same when it comes to relationship, friendship, family and friends. You can only give the best and the best will be returned to you in time.

And when the bulb of love grow and bloom right before your eyes, you just have to admire the beauty of it, and be proud!

**This entry is made specially for the contest held by Teresa for her blog –


  1. Thanks! I will go there and vote. In the mean time those who like my entry, please vote for me as well. 🙂

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