A Trip To Tampa

What would you do if you get a week stay at Tampa, means that you don’t have to pay for your stay at one of the hotels in Tampa? Will you go? I’m thinking if suddenly Hubby has to go to Tampa for business/work trip and he gets accommodation there, will I be thrilled to join?

If I have the extra cash at that time and can afford the flight ticket maybe I will take the chance. After all it is not everyday you get the opportunity to travel to new places. I have checked the site of sidestep.com and I like the guides and the descriptions they put about the nearby tourist attractions. They have Museum of Art, The Florida Aquarium and Lowry Park Zoo (though I’m not really fond of animals but then one has to make do of all the time there, right?)


Even though there’s not much that really excites me in term of my interest or hobby, perhaps a lunchtime sightseeing cruise along Florida’s beautiful inland waters will open my eyes to new opportunity and exhilarating experience. After all they say that dolphins are a common sight on such cruise. I will make sure that I have my DSLR with me to capture as many pictures as possible.

And I hope Hubby’s company will not be so stingy in giving out good accommodation allowance. I’ve checked at the site about the hotels in Tampa and I noticed that the rate there is quite reasonable and hope we would be able to stay at one of the hotels with decent arrangement and hopefully with wireless Internet connection. You know how addicted I am to blogging so eventhough I am miles away from home, I need to update my blogs so that people (who care about me) know what’s up with me for that whole one week..haha!

I’ll update with the dolphins pictures soon, OK!

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