Coop Up

I’ve been cooped up in the house for the past few days..huhu (no, I don’t have chicken pox) but I am like this when I cook at home for dinner. I hardly go outside even to water my plants. I don’t know why. Maybe I love my internal house so much that I don’t even feel the need to step out into the yard.


Oh, the rubbish. That’s Hubby’s job. I don’t go out to throw the rubbish. See, I don’t even go out to check the mailbox. (Unless I buy something online then I wait downstairs for the courier to deliver the items)

But I am happy, maybe bored looking at my PC and not updated pages of online shopping but I have friends to talk with, online and on the phone. Sometimes those friends come to visit, I cook and we have good time chatting and reminiscing old times.

Maybe that’s why Hubby pay for post paid line for my phone life, so that I can talk to my friends anytime, which is not all the time but when I remember and have the time to dial their numbers..haha! And most of the time I have money in my account that is enough to buy things I find interesting online.

We do go out on weekend to dine out, shop or just hang out, watching new movie in the cinema or a walk in the park. And when we have time, we go away for short vacation.

Some people ask whether I am lonely at home, waiting for Hubby to come home. The answer is no. I have all the time for myself to do whatever I want, being cooped up is one of them, reading books and watch movies.

I wash dishes when I feel like it, cook if the mood strikes and clean occasionally. Oh, but I do laundry every 2-3 days. I don’t like dirty clothes but I take some times to fold the clean one..haha!

I love being at home, being a homemaker with not much house chore obligation to do. Some people ask why I don’t have kid yet. I just like the time alone for myself (when I am not busy with my handcraft orders), not having to wake up very early or in the middle of the night to change diaper etc..

If you live like me, don’t you just like the way it is?

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