The Fat Face of Tiki

Do you have pet? I missed having gold fish as pet. But since my living hall could not accommodate the large tank that I want to buy, I decided to hold on with the idea first. Last time I had a bunch of gold fish in a small tank and it just got dirty so fast and after Nano died, I just could not bear having another broken heart over gold fish..haha!

So for anyone who is new to my blog, have a look at the fat face of my hamster, Tiki.


I’m not sure how old is she. But I think I have her for almost a year now. I have to check my first entry about Tiki to know the exact date I bought her and the late Toko. She has put on so much weight ever since but as long as she is happy, I’m fine with it. Why judge a hamster by its body shape, right! haha!

You can see she’s smiling. 🙂

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